
Poor Karl

As this cold rain slams on to the pavement, plodding away at its integrity. The subtle mystique intrigues me, as choral backgrounds of praise and glory are heard in the distance. Silently swiveling my head I come to think about Karl. Yes Karl, he was a smooth fellow, always presented himself in a genuine manner. He had a low-range voice that added to his suave comportment. Dress casual. Yes indeed he did read and his glasses didn't make him look dorky, it added to his reserved intelligence. 

Karl was wonderful at what he did. Never kept me waiting, and he kept the haters hating. I was content with Karl. I referred people to Karl as I told them I preferred no other person, but Karl. He was immortally my investment. And I was his client. And Karl... cut my hair.



Favorite word, "evenstar"
I believe in far regions that capture simplicity
Two favorite words, you first
It's when I have the chance to do worst
Favorite 3?
I'll buy dinner
May sound cheap, but to me she's a winner
The next four you may have already explored:
I love your writing
Hearing that never gets boring; it's exciting
inciting more verse 
Using this talent, I mean curse.
My words come genuine, never rehearsed


Pillow talk

Don't you just love late night conversations? Seeing that I am a conversationalist (NOT!) and I love being on the phone (HATE IT!) the evening talks are quite interesting. A majority of the time my inaudible responses to rather complex statements are conscious, and maybe intelligent. It is similar to intoxication, because half the time I can not remember what went on last night. Although it is more of a mental/inner body experience than a (oops I slept with her kind of thing). "What did I say?" Usually is the first thing that echoes in my head, because honestly, I know foul shit has erupted from the vault of my mind. The grotesque attributes that surface in the peak of the night are hardly admirable. In fact, it's a Th3rd and Infamous Mynded kind of thing (Dr. Jekyl & My Hyde). One part is a sufficient and enabled individual that seeks intellectual stimulation and spiritual sensation. The other is a condescending and pessimistic miscreant who delves in the behavior of ID like tendencies and callow characteristics. I wonder how the outside world perceives my nightly transformation. BWAHAHH


Rebel woman II

Finally, you give it a try. A girl commanded by her nine to five, no poetic or painting background. In fact, her hair doesn't even flow free, it's always unchanged... conforming to gravity. It's so boring. You hate to ask how she's doing or what she's up to, you always know the answer. Can't even ask her to smoke a joint with you, because you know how that upsets her.Sad to say, but it was inevitable, the conformist had to be let go. You decide to search for neither, the hippy is cool and the conformist is cleaner and just as your decision is final. Your eyes connect with the brown ones across the bookstore. In fact, this one has dreads, and her free flowing dress explains her demeanor. You decide to act upon the chance...just as you begin to speak she searches thru her purse looks up distressed and asked "do you have twenty dollars?"


Rebel woman

Of course you want the girl that owes you $20.
Her hair flows freely, you almost envy the autonomy. The fact that her libertarian lifestyle doesn't seem all-that-bad, attracts the essence of your conscious mind. Words like "fuck the government!" and "the only change we need is anarchy," sound like music to your ears. The conformist girls seem so boring. Their average work hours, collection of Sex and the City seasons, and their modest pop culture collection. You think, "if this were the sea, then the girls I don't like are the ones swimming in schools, I want the exotic coral fish." Of course! The woman who outthinks you! Paints, writes, sings, dances... the occasional pot smoker, the unique cooker. The one who pays her bills, but late. "It's her soul!" You claim. Her dream catchers seem like eye catchers and her homemade jewelry gleams brighter than Kay's. You think about her for days. Then you get her, and realize her mind is just like yours. Which becomes a brain sore. The conflicting artistic minds do not complement each other, they contradict. "Baby, you got twenty dollars?" Of course! "That can buy like a canvas, some paint and brushes right?" "Yeah, I need this for this bag of weed, then I'll need more money to get the paint." Well, isn't that quaint? Your liberal, contradicting, free spirited girl... drains from your spirit. How come you don't feel so free? Literal and liberal seem to fight in this plight for your ideal woman. 


Someone had to challenge my other blog didn't they!?

Wait, wait, wait, waaiii, waiiiit waiiiitt a minute. Usually, I do not concern myself with celebrity gossip and or information about the lives of just another person. Yet, I could not ignore the small caption that linked to Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz's newborn baby. I believe she gave birth a few days ago, but the importance of that is not relevant, especially if you want to talk about her rankings in the celeb-world. Anyways, I peeked at the article (Thanks hotmail!) and I discovered the name to this child ready?...

Bronx        Mowgli

Oh okay, waiit, waiiit waaaaiiiiitt. Wasn't Mowgli from the Jungle Book!? I loved that character, but why would someone think it is fun and/or cool to name their child anything they so please. I mean I know its their own child but if their name is Pete and Ashlee, a simple James, Michelle, or John could have sufficed. Only because they have status it is okay to name your child Zolten, Bronx, Pluto, Esophagus? 

"Peaches Geldof, daughter of Irish singer and Live Aid creator Bob Geldof, has sisters Fifi Trixibelle and Pixie. In 2006, she told Australia’s The Advertiser in 2006: “I hate ridiculous names. My weird name has haunted me all my life.”
-A.M. Lewin Today Show Contributor


I know you're like HOLD UP, didn't you just write an article on names?! Yes well I sure did. And I won't discount the fact that MAYBE this child has a chance at stardom. Just like her mommy, she can grow up and foreshadow her mother, just as her mother did to her older sister. There has to be a barrier between unique and inane. Yet who knows? Bronx may become the next hit drummer, or lead singer of to a band of misfits. Or he just may be teased and laughed at... that's IF kids still watch the Jungle Book anymore.


Flag on the play

In a relationship, not a relation, an interested person must be keen in their observation for a partner. There are certain aspects that denote the exactness of a person, and if you are able to discern them then you will find a better suitor for a relationship... not a relation. Unfortunately there is not a constructed list of "10 ways to know he/she isn't right for you" or "5 Factors that you must say no" because everyone is different. So a huge sports head may be sexy to one and a turn off to another. Plus, I'm not discussing those behaviors, I'm more into the "red flags" for some people.

- If someone mention's their ex's more often than they mention you, then there should be a flag thrown. 
- If you're interested suitor has cheated on everyone they've been with, and they revealed that to you
- If the person is a large scale party-goer, uncontrollable with alcohol, does not remember some nights or knows everyone at the club/bar
- Heavy drug user, that's self explanatory
- Unstable with finances, 
Not saying they need to make six figures, but if they can't control their money...bad news
- Untrustworthy
- If they fulfill an initial instinct of doubt, then go off you're intuition 
- Emotionally distressed
Too back and forth with what they want
- Lack of self confidence, (physically and mentally)
You don't need to constantly "coach" your love interest and tell them how pretty they are in order for them to show it, they should burst with it. I can tell just from posture and walking.
- If they need "work"
Unless you love building people, or "saving" individuals (I say volunteer then) why do you need to put in hours to shape someone up. They won't be the same person you first met.

Those are just a few off the top of my head, there are several more. 



They say you can't please everybody

They say a lot of things, 
they never know what to bring, or what to do
they just know what's best for you
they don't compromise
they don't decide, they don't see tears,
they don't hear cries, they just suggest then close their eyes
they give out smiles, frayed from sleeves
they do not listen, they do not read
they love to heat your mind, they are cold, they are sublime
they walk, they talk, do they understand?
they slide right by you, they let go of your hand
they preach sacrifice, they don't let go
they know all, but they don't know
they are them
        they are me
               we are they


Name Game

What's in a name. Well a lot. Names title cars, address people and can be a one word description to a personality. You know how people say, "you look like a troy," or "You don't come off as an Allison." So, although you may think your just Mike or James, you could be a plain Jane and look as such. Isn't it amazing how people who have unique and characteristic names are just as unique and charismatic. Lebron, Tiki, Venus, Shaq, to name a few... I know if I saw someone with a "unique" name I'd ask what do you do, because Shaq's don't work at the department of transportation. Not saying that stars and athletes all have to have unique names, but the one's that do... it was almost as if their parents bred them to greatness. 


"Good people actually happen to bad things"

Ignorance is bliss, not naiveness. - Th3rd
       Some people.

some people.

I can understand not knowing, but being open to see. I can understand not understanding, but taking every thing as it comes. A thing that seems to be intolerable is the fact that someone's ill-aware attitude can allow for some ignorance to be permitted in their life. Some people can be so blind to truth that they believe in whatever is given to them, and they can live on their cloud world. But the fact of the matter is life is not in black or white. You can't just want something and it appears, if doesn't go your way you stomp around like a child. Or better yet, move instantly to the first interested buyer... searching for what you want and earning it is different than a tunneled vision where you make something what you want out of something that is hardly close in resemblance. Naive to the fact that it doesn't work like that, and ignoring the truth. Well I didn't know where else I would take this blog because I wanted to write something from that quote...and that one is mine baby! 


"whatcha talkin' bout..."

I love it when people think 

   I am writing about them.
In poetry or prose, in blog or "away message." The reactions I receive are somewhat amusing, more often than annoying. Sometimes it becomes a Q&A, other times I just laugh. Ha ha ha
Writing about you? Hah Don't you think I have better things to do? Lately, maybe not, but the last thing orbiting around the circumference of my brain is not the first thing you said to me. Most of my thoughts stem from things I see, read, and hear about... not direct conversations with people. 


"Life is a gift everyday, that's why it's called present!"

I'm going through withdrawal. You know? The feeling you get when your favorite shoes become less and less favorable. Or when waking up in the morning is not so exciting. Maybe you don't know, maybe you don't care. My writing has suffered and therefore lost it's zing. Even getting turned on is so subtle and melancholy. Yes I've heard it, "I got a lot on my mind," but maybe not enough, because I don't want to write about anything. Please do not take this as an emo piece or side of depression, I feel great. But I am feeling social withdrawal, I need to see something, feel something, do something, BE something. Girls have always brought complications, now I just feel frustrations. Finding work has never been so difficult. The list will not go on! I will stop. But if you don't see me in the grocery store, or at the bar getting a drink... I'm just working on a plan to escape.


Mixtape for Obama

Want to know what is more encouraging to me than voiced words? These selected titles, and seriously check them out. I wrote my last cover letter and resume while they were playing in the background and I felt so empowered, so rejuvenated, and so confident. Crazy eh? Maybe, or maybe it is a boost I need, I mean shit, I'm a starving, struggling artist ever little tid-bit helps. In fact I think I will put them on repeat, therefore, I can get a great deal of writing accomplished today. The title I have been listening to is "He's Back" by Danny Elfman and "the Spiderman Theme Song" by Danny Elfman and "Arrival to Earth" by Steve Jablonsky. Created and constructed to near perfection, although they are depicting a moment in a movie, they exude strength, valor, honor, pride and that urge to keep going on. Well, that's exactly what some of us need. I wish I could make a playlist for Obama, that way when doubt and uncertainty cross his path, he can close his eyes and listen to the tracks to make him feel strong again. There will be moments when he will question himself, and the matters of the country. My music would tame the negativity; just as they have tamed the doubts that keep trying to resurface in my life.


Functioning friends forever forgotten for fondness

The disappearing acts. 
A reappearing fact, rather my nonchalant observation about how people seem to withdrawal into their shell when they confide their heart to another. I understand certain people need to be "removed" from one's life to acknowledge the structure of the relationship. Some cope pretty well, rejecting to descend to their cave made for two. As much as one on one is oh-so-great; dissolving to a wraith kind of transitions into a detriment to the wonderful friendships that used to flourish. So how do you make it work? Is your boyfriend/girlfriend overbearing, self-conscious, insecure, distrusting or just plain clingy? How can you manage to be friends with people who were there before him/her and have success with that person. Some say, "if you relationship means that much to you then sacrifices will have to be made." Bullocks!! Seriously, my friends round me into the the person I am, and I couldn't imagine sustaining life with their absence. Sounds pretty deep huh? Well, I would do a considerable amount of things for my friends, as I would expect them to do for me. So where am I getting at? Lose your friends for love, love your friends and lose love? Have the best of both huh? Just a conscious observation, love your friends!


Dashing thru the snow, in a ...

Is is too early for Christmas music yet? Maybe for the radio, (because they play the Temptations twenty seven times a day) but playing some on your own computer or mix cd never gets old. I mean I can not think about a time I was not cheerful when I listened to Stevie, The Jackson 5, or any other seasonal holiday tune. As I am writing this I have been listening to a lovely Christmas song playlist (I know you'd want it, unless however you are Muslim or Jewish....which there is no problem.) I think out of the 365 days in the year... thirty of them shouldn't be restricted to Christmas music, I think twice per month and then the holiday season would be great. Wouldn't it be a wonder if there was more Christmas music played and crime went down 4%!!! Occupational satisfaction increased and the divorce rate lessened, it would be amazing. But for now, I will just have to wait until after turkey day. 

Wanna buy art!? hell no!

   No thank you
       No soliciting
     Not interested
   Hell No
Not here
      Not allowed
            Get the fuck outta the building!

So, I have heard almost every version for a simple "no." After hearing it so often, I've become numb to the sound of the two letter word. Sometimes smiles are involved, other's just shake their head, but every-so-often there is that grumpy face that almost sears into your optimism. "Your next big sale is around the corner." My asss! Law of averages my ass... one of every ten. How about 0 for every 75, so maybe I am giving up on myself, maybe I am missing out on an opportunity to make some serious cash, but you know what?! I don't care. Everyone is not a sales person and I have a little morality in the issue, often I have my lil' conscience guy come up and say "they don't need this!" That's true, I am not selling something that is hot or in demand, its beautiful, but not everyone loves aren't, nor does everyone love poetry, pitching to everyone is not giving me strikes... I'm walking the whollllllle team. I'm sure I can weasel my way to success eventually, but I'm not an eventual guy, I want results. And the fact of the matter is I have none, for all the driving and time that I have been spending. So sucks to you if I give up...the only reason why you want to con me back into a position is because money is made off of me!!  anyways thats enough!



60 posts...awesome.
anyways this will be short, sweet and unadulterated. I am so tired. 11:20 and I am exhausted people. Staying on your feet and working a hustle is NOT easy...its fun, its relieving its discouraging its hard... its work guys. The appreciation comes toward the end of the day when smiles that were cries and the money is supplied. Anyway, enjoy the 60th. and I will enjoy 7 hours of rest.


A few words to share

Don't know what to write (trees)Don't know what to write (love)Don't know what to write (music)Don't know what to write (people)Don't know what to write (boredom)Don't know what to write (movie quotes)Don't know what to write (sex)Don't know what to write (sex)Don't know what to write (alone)Don't know what to write (free)Don't know what to write (ridicule)Don't know what to write (ominous)Don't know what to write (elation)Don't know what to write (nerves)Don't know what to write (confusion)Don't know what to write (misunderstood)Don't know what to write (nothing)


Having fun... untitled (My imaginary conversation)

I love your writing
"Oh do you now? What other things you like you wanna tell me about?"
I like to dance
    I love to paint
Singing in the shower makes me feel great
I hate to be late, and underdressed 
fancy things?    I'm least impressed
You have to display some sort of intellect
then the rest of your style I'll begin to inspect
So, what's it to you? You telling me you want me boy?
"All I'm saying..."
Well, I'm saying your words bring me joy
who knows what emotions you like to toy with
But besides your words, you've got a nice smile
compliments your style, probably drives the girls wild
I'm not looking for a ladies man, 
just a friend to kick back, lose track of time
watch a movie with, throw down a rhyme
roll up a dime, or even find myself in his eyes
you would be surprised when you see the amount of guys
full of nothing
I get easily excited, and quickly disappointed
Starwars makes me happy, the Rebels I would have joined them
Harry Potter was a punk, Frodo would have destroyed him
"You've got an interesting mind."
Well maybe you can  find what's deep in my heart
interactions aren't chemistry baby, it's living physical art
give me a call when you get a chance
make it soon, before I'm over your word romance


Excerpt from "Love, Sex & Hate"

David was aware that whatever activity the two of them experienced it was to filled with spontaneity, laughs and women.

        “You know what? I was goin’ to chill with this new girl that’s taken to me, but shit, I’ll clear plans,” said Mike excitedly.

        “You sure about that? I’m not interested in breaking up your evening, especially if its with someone new, we’ll hang out next week,” David said.

       “Nah man, its not that important, let’s go to the club.”

       “The club?” David asked uninterested.

       “I know you ain’t into the club scene, I’m talking about the strip club man,” said Mike.     

       “I kind of had a feeling that’s what you meant, what do you have there, you know any of the dancers or you just want to go?” Asked David.    

       “I don’t know any of them, but I heard they do crazy things, trying to see what all the talk is about.”

       “That’s cool. I will probably pass Mike, hang out with your lady friend,” said David.

       “Alright man, everything cool? You sound a bit out of it.”

“I’m fine, I was a little sick, but I feel better now. Hey, I will talk to you later, okay?”     Said David.

 “Cool, just hit me up,” Mike said. 

David hung up the phone. He thought about calling Curtis next, but then word would get back to Eryka that they hung out. He was also reluctant because they would probably do the usual: sip beers, watch television, and talk about the women that they are seeing.

Work ended on a bright note, David announced a salary increase for one of his clients, meaning he too would have an increase in his bonus. David took it upon himself to head to an upscale bar after work and accommodate himself for a few drinks during happy hour. As expected the place was abounding with business professionals and a few money- chasing women. It was until David enjoyed his second drink when a woman approached him.

            “Hello, I’m Jaime”

  “Hey, Jaime, I’m Marcus,” David said.

David presented this alias when he sensed a woman was a prostitute, or starving for a bank roller.

        “Nice to meet you Marcus, how are you?” Jaime asked. 

        “I’m well, so what’s your story?”

        “My story?” Jaime asked puzzled.



Thanks AP

"the best way to love someone, it's to send them free" -Annie

That was a line mentioned in a conversation between my friend AP and I. Instead of elaborating the conversation or dissecting the exact meaning, I will leave it open for interpretation. I could give my own thoughts on the matter, but I don't want to steer anyone's mind... just read it. Read it again.


Obviously Beginning A Monumental Action (for the US)

And as the conclusion of my last blog leads you directly into the subject of this one. You may have anticipated this, but the announcement has been made of our next United States President. Only things that have given me butterflies are exotic cars, certain women, and Barack Obama. There is a light that exudes from his soul, one that I have only seen in past documentation of vital figures. A genuine and honest principle surrounds this great man and I am really glad to be a part of the beginning of his legacy. The excitement I felt after casting my vote and seeing how many young people so desperately want change was revitalizing. There is more to that word "change" than just revamping the economy, or improvement on healthcare. This is a change in pace for America, a change in race for America, a race for a change. The word play can mean the same in many different forms. Regardless how you face change has occurred, minute or massive, I look forward in telling my children that they can be president if they so choose to be. This beginning, this start...this march, which is celebrated internationally will set the stage for... 

You fill the blank.

Glad to once say I'm an American ...for now I won't say American't

Let's take a ride

Nothing was more refreshing than the extent of my early afternoon. Discussing the matters of events preceding the subject will be in another blog. Plainly stated, yesterday was the beginning to wonderful, (I told you November was going to be a great month, unlike its predecessor). I took my pearly lex on a decent road trip in order to investigate an employment opportunity. Although the interview went well, choosing the job would not have been of sound judgement. My father tagged along for the trip and while we journeyed to and from home, the sights were nothing less than amazing. A background of red and orange plastered on a grey canvas, as that set the stage for an enjoyable ride I cycled through music varying from Madeleine Peyroux, MGMT, and Nas. The last of my feature, Nas, was quite an amazing experience, I watched my father (who is seriously old-school) bob his head to the beat, and comment on how deep his lyrics are. Never have my father and I sat in any setting and revel in the rhythm of hip-hop. He sang along to some of the song's choruses and this moment was amazingly touching. What led to a perfect finish to our trip was the fact that "Black President" played right at the conclusion. "Yes we can, change the world (change the world!)... And though it seems heaven sent, we ain't ready to see a Black president." As we sang along I felt warmth and empowerment through Nas's visionary song. As many of you may, the end of the song ended with "It is my distinct honor  and privilege to introduce the next President of the United States: Barack Obama."


Malcontent because of...

I can't write for shit. Maybe it is the slump that I feel stuck in. Poetic juices...dry
Creative juices... gone. Once again me and words have become enemies. It is funny how one person, or situation can effect every aspect of your daily routine. Today I'm thrown. I wish I had a poem for this because it would truly take you somewhere, but I can't get on-board now. I need to repair before I can play again.


Oh great

People consistently tell me I have skills, abilities, talents... yes some...my ex says I'm very creative, a lil. I may dabble in a number of things...the thing is...I'm not GREAT at anything I haven't committed to automotive, because I'm not THAT GREAT, I haven't committed to Law School because I'm not THAT SMART, I don't have the baddest girl on the block...well that's because it's her fault, but being good at things are nice, but having something to be great at is something I desire. I'm a decent poet, and okay writer...I want to be great. 



"Never separate the capacity for other people to let you down."

Rash thoughts

I don't know about you, but I HATE pressure, I like to mildly ease my way into a situation. Heat on the issue just heats me up, I feel I get irrational. God forbid I was in the control tower during 9/11, shoot miniscule issues such as relationship pressure gets in my psyche. I also hate too many decisions... the key to indecisiveness... having too much to choose! Pretty simple eh? A or B...not 1A 1B 1c 2A 2B 2C... I get annoyed by too much choice. Sorry for all the ellipses, but imagine if we had nine candidates, that were all popular, running for president. The states would go mad. Anyways, since I'm mad, thats all, 

back to being irrational again.


Talking white noise

"no woman says unique things out her mouth anymore."

Its the same common shit, especially for my predicament. No one appears special, or carries that "magical" essence that captivates your attention. Traditionally, yes, I have seen some beautiful women, some gorgeous exotic combinations, but opening their mouth ruins their aura. The field becomes limited when you extinguish the smokers and drinkers... the party people. Then few indulge themselves in open matters, and art oriented events. Then what? Maybe there is so much going on that my satisfaction is ultimately a high standard, and in order to be blown away... well and alignment of the stars should occur. I haven't really thought all this through