
Flag on the play

In a relationship, not a relation, an interested person must be keen in their observation for a partner. There are certain aspects that denote the exactness of a person, and if you are able to discern them then you will find a better suitor for a relationship... not a relation. Unfortunately there is not a constructed list of "10 ways to know he/she isn't right for you" or "5 Factors that you must say no" because everyone is different. So a huge sports head may be sexy to one and a turn off to another. Plus, I'm not discussing those behaviors, I'm more into the "red flags" for some people.

- If someone mention's their ex's more often than they mention you, then there should be a flag thrown. 
- If you're interested suitor has cheated on everyone they've been with, and they revealed that to you
- If the person is a large scale party-goer, uncontrollable with alcohol, does not remember some nights or knows everyone at the club/bar
- Heavy drug user, that's self explanatory
- Unstable with finances, 
Not saying they need to make six figures, but if they can't control their money...bad news
- Untrustworthy
- If they fulfill an initial instinct of doubt, then go off you're intuition 
- Emotionally distressed
Too back and forth with what they want
- Lack of self confidence, (physically and mentally)
You don't need to constantly "coach" your love interest and tell them how pretty they are in order for them to show it, they should burst with it. I can tell just from posture and walking.
- If they need "work"
Unless you love building people, or "saving" individuals (I say volunteer then) why do you need to put in hours to shape someone up. They won't be the same person you first met.

Those are just a few off the top of my head, there are several more. 

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