
In her head

"Whew. Here it is, another day. I wonder where they go, and who they see, or if they are just escaping me? I love them so very much and love the touch behind the ears and the soft caress on my stomach, how did he know? I try my best to listen to whatever he asks of me, and when I do, I become his sunshine." 

"It's so quiet here. No one is moving and nothing is stirring. I hate it during the daytime, but at night... that's when things change. The house feels warm again. Alive. Feels like a home, a home I will never leave. Unless I go out with him."


"Nevermind I thought I heard someone. I wish I could see the world, I'm smarter than I've been credit to possess. Yet, I remain comfortable and complacent in my dwelling. Resting, always laying and being comfortable. I cant help but to wonder many things. Only... the one I wonder the most is why am I here, by myself day in day out?"

"Wait wait wait. oh shit oh shit oh shit. Someoneee's here. Come in! Come in!! This is my house but you are welcome!! There he goes!!"

"Hiii Louis, I missed you all day, I hate sitting up in the house with nothing to do. Are you happy to see me? I'm excited to see you, this is so great, finally someone to hng around and relax next to. This is perfect. But first... take me for a piss."

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