
What do you know

In every occupation I have peeked interest within, I have had the same response (which used to deter my inquiry): "You don't want to do this." "You don't want to work here." "You don't want to teach here." Or "You could do much better elsewhere." As if they sat on my right shoulder and became a doubtful conscience of employment. So according to them I don't want to teach in Baltimore, work on a professional race team, work in a race shop, become a State's Attorney, Police in Baltimore, work in D.C. or become a snowmaker at a slope (even though it would have paid off on the mountain.) I know this is typical America to hate their job and loathe there life but where is the happiness when are we allowed to work and be pleased to do it versus count the days to retire?? Just like anything else (marriage, love, hobbies and friendships) things can and will always be rocky, that's inevitable, but for once can someone embrace my interest and tell me why I'd fit in versus why I would run?

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