
Love ...again pt 1

Welcome guys.

So lately I have been loading you up with poetic thoughts and collaborative pieces featuring friends and fellow poets. I told you that was going to happen; but now that you want to hear some substantive impressions I thought I'd grace the notion about love.

No, not the I'm in love or how love is so sweet, or I love my car (white girl), more so the inductive reasoning about the "invisible laws" of love. What bounds our hearts, what logically taints our minds about what it controls? Seriously, isn't love the most unstable, unpredictable element we will encounter on this planet? Love is the only feeling (or skill) that summons other feelings, love creates hate, love creates pain, sorrow, happiness, joy, depression, and jealousy. Shoot, some told me I just love love, now ain't that a bitch. Love something as consequential and dubious as her's truly.

Love destroys. Love neglects reason and authority. Love causes misunderstandings.
That's what it's supposed to do.
Love is to spin the mind so that straight is... well, still straight, until you get off the merry-go-round and realize you've traveled in the wrong direction. But as long as you ride that rusty, squeaky, steel death machine, any direction is the right direction. So, I guess if you fall in love (hah, fall in love, but don't fall off!) and never get off, the partner you share that ride with will always go where ever you course to. It's when the ride is over that fucks any sense of direction and rationality.

But who am I to say, or judge? I have never truly loved. That's why I'm scared shitless of it. I have been in loving situations, but never a mutual love feeling, always me loving wayy more...or tons less...but have I ever been on the same page? Once.

Maybe my love outlook is somewhat justified, experience in so much of the negative results gives a different aspect. Maybe, or maybe I'm just so fucked...

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