
love...again pt 3

Is it possible to fall in love with someone in three days. One weekend? 

seventy-two hours.

And with this being accomplished I set this scenario in a household where you would be around that someone for the full amount of time. Therefore, you have the opportunity to check mannerisms, get to know their lifestyles, arrangements and even inquire into one's past.

Is that enough time to fall in love with someone. This sounds movieish...well thats 'cause it is from a few movies. Movies are movies...stories, fantasies and dreams. They mindfuck our psyche and perception of how things truly can be. So instead of some people (me) being the young kid who wants to shoot up people or slice one hundred bodies apart like in Kill Bill... I want to love someone from first sight. hmm

Well, I have quickly been shown the reality of the fact and I hardly see the feasibility in a seventy-two hour heart warmth. Maybe it is past infatuation, and tips the very arrow that pierces, called love. I would love to love someone in that manner and fashion, it is very dream like... then again...

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