


Friendship, a state of mutual trust a supportive bond between individuals. It is not a required element of interaction nor is it customary to possess friendship in everyone you know. Friends forgive, friends are enduring, friends are (supposed to be) always honest.  Friends are not clones of yourself, in fact there are just the opposite. Friends possess unique traits that derive from your own. You don't want to exhaust your friendships, take them for granted, or forget about the cherished moments. One sided friendships, friendships with leverage, friendships laced with money... those can't be real friends. Losing friends, great friends, is never a good thing. Remembering great friendships makes me warm. Friendships that can span over time are always remarkable. The ones when you can call out the blue and talk as if you talked last week. Do your friends know you? When you grow older, space grows around you, friendships get spread apart, dissolved and tested for their trueness. Do they still know you?

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