

I love and loathe modern technology. As conveniently distracting as it can be it can lure one to a complete desolate frame of insanity. Technology, and its modern simplicity (er not sometimes) makes us so compulsive. Checking phones for texts and missed calls, voicemails when out-o-service opportunity meet, emails, blogs (dont you dare stop checking these blogs!) and even the little red blinker they give you at restaurants; you'll check it when it is designed to vibrate and blink (um compulsive). 

The sad result is if we expect and anticipate a call, text or message we (unintentionally) check our every source of contact a multitude of times throughout a day. When no one contacts us (girls/guys you pulled), job prospects, or just good friend. You begin to reason a trivial life where misery and depression overwhelms you just from eighteen hours of non-contact. AMAZING. So dependent on illuminated tools of distraction, we need to get off by feeling contact. Even if it means texting the most unsuited individual on the call list. Pathetic. 

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