
Barack Speaks on his threats

So that's what he said.

But what Mr. President Obama really  wanted to say was:

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??? And you must be out of your mind because you OBVIOUSLY have no clue who you're messing with!
I'm the President of the United States!! I can have people killed for less. Yet I won't stoop down to your enervated mind (if you don't know what enervated means it means feeble, (( if you don't know what feeble means it means dimwitted))) How dare you insult me, my security and this nation by the minute representation you have! I'm not even trying to infringe on anyone's rights rather bring prosperity back to the US and you dare to take that away from the people! *calm down calm down* 

sike nah that's not what he wanted to say, its what I would've said.

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