The Link
Chose your means
Words to occur
What dreams
Five kinds of poems that aren't SUPER LAME
((This was a subject of another blog on my hubpages, I wanted to share this on here too))
Poetry is a subject that isn't favored by many. Often people LOVE to read, but that does not mean they'd love to read a piece of poetry. Not so much that they don't like it rhymed or unrhymed, metaphors or iambic pentameter. Sometimes it just goes over their heads and they don't have the patience to truly soak in what they read.
That's one a lot of people choose to not indulge. Another reason is the cliche that all poetry is love or soft. Not true. The latest book that was co-authored by me touches 1 maybe 2 love subjected pieces. The types of poetry that are interesting and are opposite on the super lame spectrum (super lame, what a phrase.) Pieces that talk about nothing but say a lot, you know...the REALLY over your head pieces. They stimulate your mind and cause you to read them again, and even look up certain words...don't you enjoy a challenge?
A piece that has internal rhyme. Poetry bores me when every piece i read in someones saved library is the same format. AB AB AB AB or AA BB AA BB, mix it up...have fun, make your work colorful not patterned.
A revolutionary poem is always great. One that praises change and triumph. We have been silent on the revolutionary sense; therefore, a piece calling for a difference, pointing out societies flaws is good.
Everyone loves a misleading poem. A poem in which you describe the hell out of a situation, personifying something in your life or in life, and then at the end it refers to something else. People always respond well to those types of pieces just don't overload them to an audience.
The last is a general one, you can't go wrong writing about "Love, Sex & Hate" that is also the title of my upcoming book. Unfortunately, that is all society is truly concerned with, the drama's of those three subjects, anything else and you're a minority in the preference.
It's just that type of day.

Yeah, it's just one of those days. You know, three quarter full glass of red wine, desk lamps, mellow music, or a non-climatic movie. The ease yourself into sleep type of day, where activity subsides and motivations become null and void.
EMOtional Hangover
"You promised we’d always be friends… yeah well I lied,"
A great statement concerning the situation between two individuals. One person seeing the solution to his trouble by total deletion, erase the memory of her from his life. With the hopes that a simple song, word, smell or movie can not remind him of the total agony of not having her. And what does she want? To know friends is what they'll be, that vibe, that interaction where the former elation and relation is denoted. The possibility of friends seems ever so distant, where phone calls, text, and emails all evolve to obsolete. Smiling photos become burning pins through the bottom right of his heart.
I don’t need you as my friend, as my friend I can’t kiss you, as your friend I cant touch you, like this… as your friend I am nothing. And if I shall have you, I relinquish every ounce of effort I took to diminish you from my spirit. Touching the tip of an iceberg for the time and quality of time I’d like to spend with you…
Man, I hate the phrase just as much as I hate using it, because ultimately it is a lie. I don’t want to hear about your days, your job, your love interest, your enjoyed time without me. I want no part, until I have had the time to extinguish the fire that burned inside of my soul. I’d rather sit alone coping with a violin in the dimly lit cool October night. Serenading melancholy thoughts to dissipate in the air, or to be burned from the moons glow. Regardless it’s not easy to cope.
Why falling in love with a poet is a bad idea.
Our decision approaches
Sitting around, in between tasks
The more she says she likes me the more I despise myself. As this customary notion of pleasant feelings usually becomes followed up by a staggering episode of tears and scorn. Yes, I adore the moments I can claim peace, but seeing as though I’m undeserving of such treatment, I ponder when the bridge will come crumbling down... due to my own fallacies of course.
I’ve led a lot of my young life one fuck up to the next. Allowing some time to casually forgive myself and loathe others, yet as derailed as my soul ends up, I still find myself compelled to inquire about bad habits. Almost as if testing my patience and resistance is not enough already, I open doors I have closed shut.
Well, a bad habit in itself was returning home. The absence of forward progress has diluted my mind.
**don't associate yourself with this**
Bet you didn't know this!!!
love...again pt 3
Love ...again pt 2
Love isn't enough. I finished enjoying my favorite show displaying this very aspect. How the love and sexual affection between two people were not strength enough to fundamentally last as a couple, let alone a marriage.
A lot of things "just aint enough." Being involved in a non-sexual yet interactive relationship may get some people through, others (like me) not so much. There has to be a balance of chemistry, a synchronization of sex, intelligent interaction, exploration, new experience, fun and pain. I think that will at least jump start what love can offer. Otherwise, you become involved in this optical illusion, wher you create positives and ignore flaws...fuck that.
okay, enough conjuring of this dark spirit.
Love ...again pt 1
So lately I have been loading you up with poetic thoughts and collaborative pieces featuring friends and fellow poets. I told you that was going to happen; but now that you want to hear some substantive impressions I thought I'd grace the notion about love.
No, not the I'm in love or how love is so sweet, or I love my car (white girl), more so the inductive reasoning about the "invisible laws" of love. What bounds our hearts, what logically taints our minds about what it controls? Seriously, isn't love the most unstable, unpredictable element we will encounter on this planet? Love is the only feeling (or skill) that summons other feelings, love creates hate, love creates pain, sorrow, happiness, joy, depression, and jealousy. Shoot, some told me I just love love, now ain't that a bitch. Love something as consequential and dubious as her's truly.
Love destroys. Love neglects reason and authority. Love causes misunderstandings.
That's what it's supposed to do.
Love is to spin the mind so that straight is... well, still straight, until you get off the merry-go-round and realize you've traveled in the wrong direction. But as long as you ride that rusty, squeaky, steel death machine, any direction is the right direction. So, I guess if you fall in love (hah, fall in love, but don't fall off!) and never get off, the partner you share that ride with will always go where ever you course to. It's when the ride is over that fucks any sense of direction and rationality.
But who am I to say, or judge? I have never truly loved. That's why I'm scared shitless of it. I have been in loving situations, but never a mutual love feeling, always me loving wayy more...or tons less...but have I ever been on the same page? Once.
Maybe my love outlook is somewhat justified, experience in so much of the negative results gives a different aspect. Maybe, or maybe I'm just so fucked...
We Make The World Go Round - Collaborative feat Derrick McFadden, DeWayne Alston and Sisandra Eleonora
It starts with a sentence.
And since then I have been senseless,
I send less vibes through words unspoken
I emphasize it all in the words I have chosen
Being open with myself,
Realizing its closer to conscious wealth
And you can’t help but to overhear and to understand
And it’s not so clear, therefore you make demands.
My initiation was simple conversation and elementary verbalization
Now I’ve united with people, overlooking separation and combining to a poetic nation
prescribing direction through poetic inflection
Our words keep souls aligned,
we’ve sewed the line,
and so,
defined what it is within ourselves
we make the world go ‘round
Our phonetics…our pure poetic sound
Collaborate in masses to reach massive attention,
the world must see what we’ve written
Hafta feel what we’ve been given
Feed off our meanings to keep us livin’
Round and round we make the world go round
Painting pictures with words…we astound
Using our insomnia inflicted pens
Scribbling and scratching
Trying to make words blend
Searching for that perfect mixture
We pull from the depths of our minds
Painting portraits in the form of words
While keeping the rhythm within the rhyme
Pouring our hearts into each and every poem
Giving them metaphoric wings
So they can fly across pages and screens
Being the opposite of what is consider the norm
We capture hearts and squeeze out tears
We capture minds every single day of the year
We pen within the world’s ups and the downs
We be poets…we make the world go round
I live in a world of beauty neither seen nor heard
I try to capture the essence with every single word
I'm sensitive enough to sense this
And yet I too am left senseless
Overwhelmed by the power of what is spoken
And these lines I write are really just a token
Of my infatuation with the pad and the pen
So it makes sense that I write when
I'm down and feeling blue
Or weighted down by the things I do
I too realize that it is truly a conscious wealth
The realization of my unconscious self
So I've united with my partners in rhyme
Because this very moment defines the time
When many voices unite into one
With the power to move the sun
And push the earth off it's axis
What I really want to ask is...
Do we use this power to do what's right?
Do we use our voices to turn on the light?
From empires to continents
Suburbs, states, islands
In cafes, contest and online
We make the world spin, get ready
To hear the poet’s prophetic liquids
The conscience similes of colored embraces
A mental momentum proclaimed
Hail the glory,
The myth between extensions and fulfillment of a dream
The correlations amongst contractions,
While conceptual enrich the power of those addicted to
Verbal constipations
The installment of human races
The heritages of phantoms
That’s what a lot think
We penetrate vocally
Hail the King & Queens of the corrals
The provider”“ the giver of the gift”
He reign above quarrels
Ego’s are intoxication and kill the blessing of the ink,
but never a winner , the master said we will overcome
When our minds are united, we don’t need a mass
But one or two is enough to gain access
to x-files of this world indignations,
we help carry this world
To a new hope
Do you know any soul who is in need of a second chance
Grant it with an uplifting poem
Remember the world isn’t only yours, its from us all
It’s our temporary home
Alive by our words
living in our cores
When we inscribe verbs and nouns
When we assert precision
Causing cerebrum to burn
We make the world go around
We make your mind spin
Witness the richness of our skills
Its not a game
It’s a profession that lies in our
Optical gaze
Who are we
Poets… masters of the pen.
Fall Feature
Starving Artist Piece 10-9-08 Kezia A. Snipe & Th3rd
Words, words, words couldn't begin to describe
shoot words can't pay the bills to keep me inside
Cause outside there is turmoil, blood spilt on spoil and plots to foil a ghost enemy
but back on our front I'm realizing minute by minute how life is harder than hard
words don't pay attention to bills, they only fill date and show the money I owe
when i refuge to the pages, I want the sages and the saints to erase my complaints
an artist hungry to be heard,
an artist starving to live
all I need is these words to give
unemployed poets
just tryin to make some noise
poised to hear anything but recession
and yet tryin to make ends off this gifted expression
but I get lifted expectin the best and facin the worst hopin on God's busy watch He might think of us first
I knew what it was like to be full and spittin right
but I'm learning what it's like to be hungry for the life switch and
reaching for the light switch cuz it's hard to move right in darkness
So what now?
Opt out and select something to settle
Sellout and disrespect my purpose for writing
I'll continue fighting and starving because thats the better course of action
It's unfortunate that my funds are really lacking
But, if I can get paid for the words I write
then maybe I might hate this job too
It's the only time being free to express never has dues
but when i'm updated on the news and the crisis
and wonder why many don't like this
well its work hard or bite this
no one is waiting and helping hands are rare
people are concerned about themselves and no one really cares
so when i wait come tax time and look in the mail
check out the money I owe and how the government is giving me hell
Its crazy the economy didn't improve when then congress approved the bail
I wont feel too bad 'cause at least I didnt rely on words and personal book sales
So my domain remains this pen and paper
escaped to a pc because at least her words won't play her
I can't front I'm detecting cynicism in my own tone more annoying and distinct that collectors callin my home phone
Lord Jesus phone home! this isn't like me at all
Bitterness is for those who can't accept what befalls
RIGHT? Maybe not...just feels like I'm gettin teased and nothing is appearing to appease
and it's almost like no one is trying to reach
in all honesty a pity party simply ain't my style
but a jacked perspective on life ain't a good look for the child
I don't know what to do, but i wont fall
I have no where to go, and no one to call
A tall range of doubt and pessimism lurk over my head
Yet I look over its hunched shoulders and toward the light instead
I'm hurt because no one wants me,
I cry cuz the industries taunt me
Available yet unqualified
Amazing, yet denied
We'll call you, just to decline
It's a wonder if I can survive,
OH sis keep me alive
keep these words aligned
we need to define ourselves s
So we can turn words into wealth, or some systematic arrangement,
I'm complaining complacent
my life is adjacent to what I want
Bro grab my hand and I'll grab yours
We'll both conquer this growing force to keep us down
While we we try not to get down in the depths or drown in debt
or frown at that this wreck of a mess in which we reside
like the gambler said to the dealer
let it ride
Ultimately life is gonna be what it is
and me and you can make it, I'll just gotta know how to deal
So life is yours for the taking and great is mine for the taking
So I conclude a GREAT LIFE is yours and mine for the making
Unfinished Poem - wrote it in the car
we're sand dunes in Alaska
no matter what I'm after
she's always by my side
Although I have two sides
Gemini is what I've implied
she endures through the good and the bad
letting me know she's the best I'll ever have

This was an incredible machine. I was able to sit passenger as the owner ripped and ran it viscously through curves, and straightaways. The sensation I felt after I removed my plastered self from his seat was the EXACT reason I cherished cars so much. I am great at what I do, fixing things, and problem solving, nothing better than doing it. The politics, money and structure is always a turn off, but the feeling of hurdling down pavement at excess speeds was my high. Some get off on the sound of the motor revving at high RPMs, others love the sleek look and design. ME? Well, I like bombing down the road not knowing if I can make the turn. Anyways, thats why I love cars, the whole race car fan in me isn't too high (structure and politics) but visually seeing a car go 200 mph is quite an amazing sight.
This coming from a show I can't seem to get enough of, Californication. And yes, the statement rides on the true bus, although discovering its derivative is awfully painful. Its a great comment, because when talking to a few of my friends, we all know that talking to someone and committing oneself emotionally could be just as damaging as giving oneself up physically. To most males, the spectrum is not as effective, yet females can make the situation detrimental. Fucking and talking are the same when it breaks down to it, and once that role of being a synced partner and conversationalist begins, (mindsex) then it's due time for the real sex. Although, most my screw ups have implicated the latter, I know the justification between the two.
That's the voice I heard as I listened to the echoes coming from my last pint of beer. Realizing that we as people have started to fail as a companionship type society. The spring of technology, the surge is womanhood and the independent-self mindframe we are all trained to pursue has tainted another important aspect of our growth. Loving another.
Yeah, mayyybe this is a bit emo...but who gives a shit when our social life contains nothing emotional in it. The idea of love is the only strength that plays a role on our heart. Innocent minors lose their conscious bearing when their young hearts become soaked in pain. Happy endings become fables, love becomes fantasy, and a good person is a myth. Even I know how cracked my liberty bell is, yet I still ring the bastard.
So, we're doomed, conquered by so much pain and doubt that it blinds our perception on reality. Then the illusion of saving our hearts only inaugurates the distress that hollows our souls.
Friday Nite In
You know, that one talking about what one is to do with their life. Or the sanctifying feeling of returning to the humbling 'b-more.' Yes, the see more conversation, where I can relieve more pain and grieve more about the dead lil' child that used to smile so honestly. Now, it's just a facade. A face painting on the dark mural of life.
I constantly get reminded on how I'm not in Kansas anymore, and that loving love is not enough to get me through in life. Hopeless romance has sank its diminutive head into the cores of doubt. "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away," that is until my 4th glass of wine is consumed and the troubles of remembering a name are the only queries of the hour. good evening
Not proofread - Good Day October
Ever have a good month? Or just classify that one month is usually a bad month. We all know how I feel about fall, but months is a different story. I could have a terrible November or a wonderful October, usually by the course of events that stretch throughout its proximation.
What is your usual month, or simply put your "favorite" month? As most of us would say when we were younger, "December! December!" I would have to admit, it still is on my top, although it has been marked by lonely Christmases i do cherish the music. That's the only time you can play the same songs from decades ago and it takes you to a warm place. I mean yeah, we can play temptations all year long. But "Silent Night" will never be an "old" song because it's deemed a Christmas song.
So, favorite month? Mine? Well, depends on the year, I had a awful January and February this past year, yet two years ago it was rather eventful, even though its dismal conclusion would still rank it among my least favorites. June, is always a kickass month, it's my birthday month, but it was the first I spent with none of my regular friends, quite a lonely one this year. May's are usually awesome, July's always breeze by... October's are usually great, homecoming months, halloween, fall gets cooler, leaves turn, scary movie releases, not a bad time for much. This year it marks decision 08, (for me not the Prez) What in the world will I decide upon... fun to be confused and unsure sometimes, makes going with the flow THAT much easier to do.
Anyways, welcome October, even though the name really throws me off. Oct- tober... Octopus, Octagon, Octennial - it's a Greek derived word...meaning EIGHT...and here October is the freakin tenth month out of the year... great job guys. Just a thought
"Oh yes, there will be blood" - Saw
I love the darkness, that's why I was so intrigued by the "Dark Knight," the joker's role in the film portrayed a dark individual who cared less for fame, recognition or money. He was who he was.
"Why So Serious?!"
Yes, Heath took that role seriously, but as I return back to Saw. I conjured the thought of the movie off of one notion. What vice would Jigsaw exploit me for? And think of this relative to yourself... what would he torment you with because you indulge in it way too much. Your love for porn, you addiction to nicotine, you obsession with eating right? Why would you be locked away and threatened to be killed for something you are overly doing? I never answered my own question though, what would Jigsaw peer from my life that he could hold against me?
well, it would obviously be...