

We're doomed.

That's the voice I heard as I listened to the echoes coming from my last pint of beer. Realizing that we as people have started to fail as a companionship type society. The spring of technology, the surge is womanhood and the independent-self mindframe we are all trained to pursue has tainted another important aspect of our growth. Loving another.

Yeah, mayyybe this is a bit emo...but who gives a shit when our social life contains nothing emotional in it. The idea of love is the only strength that plays a role on our heart. Innocent minors lose their conscious bearing when their young hearts become soaked in pain. Happy endings become fables, love becomes fantasy, and a good person is a myth. Even I know how cracked my liberty bell is, yet I still ring the bastard.

So, we're doomed, conquered by so much pain and doubt that it blinds our perception on reality. Then the illusion of saving our hearts only inaugurates the distress that hollows our souls.

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