
"Good people actually happen to bad things"

Ignorance is bliss, not naiveness. - Th3rd
       Some people.

some people.

I can understand not knowing, but being open to see. I can understand not understanding, but taking every thing as it comes. A thing that seems to be intolerable is the fact that someone's ill-aware attitude can allow for some ignorance to be permitted in their life. Some people can be so blind to truth that they believe in whatever is given to them, and they can live on their cloud world. But the fact of the matter is life is not in black or white. You can't just want something and it appears, if doesn't go your way you stomp around like a child. Or better yet, move instantly to the first interested buyer... searching for what you want and earning it is different than a tunneled vision where you make something what you want out of something that is hardly close in resemblance. Naive to the fact that it doesn't work like that, and ignoring the truth. Well I didn't know where else I would take this blog because I wanted to write something from that quote...and that one is mine baby! 

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