

I'm sorry that I don't feel sorry
we don't have souls
as you control yours please understand I
like you
have been created by the Divine
in fact I believe in Him as much as you do, that's how I survived
He supplied me with knowledge and a heart
like you people
we praise Him daily, just omit the steeple
He made us a bit smarter, that's how we traveled here
If survival of the fittest hasn't made anything clear
we have arrived
we aren't green with huge black eyes
we don't come in peace and fly
those God-awful saucers
I remember being told if you believed in us you don't believe in God
but He created us, we have no facade
we'll just replace you, first by extinguishing the turmoil you suffered this world to permit
A eutopia was what He wanted
yet, killing
a lack of respect for Commandments, He demanded you love him!
We don't get jealous or place anything else above him
I am an alien, truly created in his image
coming to obliterate you when I'm finished this sentence

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